Wednesday 23 February 2011

My first !

So, I'm sat deciding what to put in my first blog ?!? Man Utd are on the TV in the background (I'm not a fan), and thought this was the ideal time to do one.
Think i will start by telling you a bit about me, so you know where I'm coming from. @richnank is me on Twitter. I'm very close to my 39th birthday or 30+9 has i call it and live in Huddersfield with my beautiful girlfriend ( @sxyshell1981 ) and our 3 kids, 2 boys (the brats) and our 18 month old girl (the whirlwind).
I'm a shy person till you get to know me and hide behind jokes etc to cover up insecurities.
Anyway enough !!
I've had the odd job over the years, from working has a specialized vehicle repairer and a lab technician to being a milkman and working with adults with challenging behaviour and autism has a support worker. I will blog about the support worker job next time,
Due to this wide range of jobs my mind is now a warped mass of nonsense, so i thought i would blog about it and pass on what its like to live in my head.
At this moment in time im a stay at home daddy, due to the Whirlwind having a rare disorder called MCADD, so i find myself with a bit of time on my hands and it seems i live on Twitter, which isnt a bad thing, or is it ?
Well i for one love twitter, if you follow the right sort of people it can be very enjoyable and insightful. If your lucky, you can find some Twitter gems from all walks of life and even small businesses like a jewellery designer ! Something else i will blog about next time.
Anyway thats my first blog.
I hoped you enjoyed !
If you would like to know more click the link and a full review is there

1 comment:

  1. Right you have your first stalk... Er follower. Welcome to the blog world. I guarantee you'll enjoy it.
