Wednesday 9 March 2011

Wednesday 09/03/2011

Hello ! for some reason i always want to start my blog with 'so' but I'm not going to.

Ive had an unusual weekend, what with the doctor on Friday, then getting my appointment on Saturday. Well yesterday was the specialist appointment and it confirmed what i already thought. I have been diagnosed with Leukemia, which sort we do not know yet. I am waiting to go in to hospital to have a bit of the lump cut from my neck, and have a bone marrow graft to find out whats, what. Then because most of the lymph glands that she could feel were enlarged, if need a CAT scan to see whats happening elsewhere. This should all be done in the next 2 weeks, then they can decided which way to go on the treatment.
I went to the docs over 2 years ago which lumps in my throat, but after a course of meds they went down. Then something has set it of again, but it means it a 'crawler' has the specialist said, so when they nail it its quite possible i wont have to go back again for a couple of years, or thats the plan anyway.
I know what to expect due to my first girlfriend's dad having the same thing, so i know i will have down days.
Now the next bit is probably gonna sound a bit far out but....
I dont know if i beleive there is anyone watching over us, but when the Whirlwind was born, and we found out that she had MCADD, i said i couple of.. well prayers i suppose. In them i asked if someone could make things ok for her, and if needed to, take bits of me to make it happen, and now im sat here typing about this.
Make of this what you will, but ive always belived in karma.
Im not looking for sympthy, what will be will be. But im going to blog about what happens and what i go through, so if you want to follow your more than welcome.

Thank you for the kind comments so far on Twitter, it means alot, and some of you might regret saying 'im here to talk to, if you need it' hahahaha.
Anyway thanks for reading, sorry its a bit morbid. Will let you know how i go on !



  1. very good babe ill always stand by u no matter what happens xx

  2. Christ. I only just read this. I'm gutted for you. I hope the prognosis is as good as it can be and I'll be wishing you all the best. Take care of yourself (or let the other half take care of you - much more fun!)

  3. Just caught up with your blog because I cannot get onto twitter as much as I would like. I was so shocked to read that, was not expecting it at all. It is easy for me to say stay strong and positive and all that jazz, because each day will bring what it brings in terms of ups and downs, you sound strong and positive though and you clearly have a wonderful girlfriend and family who love you very much and will support you through all the good and the bad times, and of course if you want a laugh, moan, rant, chat then my ear is always open xxx
