Thursday 7 April 2011


Its been another exciting day in the world of Richnank. Another appointment at the hospital, this is the one for the deciding vote on which way they go on treatment.
We go by bus and the stop is only a short walk from the house. We stroll down, have a fag while waiting. Then this old woman comes wondering up to the stop and in a voice that can be only described has 'Borat's mother', 'are you waiting for the bus?' she asked all 5 of the people waiting the same question. Thankfully a bus came and whisked her off, leaving me and Shell chuckling to ourselves, with me doing a bad impression of Borat.

At the hospital we walk down to the blood place (sorry i don't know how to spell Hematology !), and walk in to say I'm here. 2 of the nurses already know me by my first name, so had a quick chat with them, then went and sat and waited.

Basically Dr Rothwell said that the gene results were back, and it would be the course of chemo that she said it might be. I also signed up for the trial they were doing, some new drug or something, sod it why not !

So Monday morning at 8.30 i have to ring Ward 12 to see if there is a bed, if so then I'm straight in, and stay in till Wednesday afternoon or possibly Thursday afternoon.
From what i can gather I'm to have a total of 6 cycles, each cycle lasts 5 days and repeated every 4 weeks. I'm to have intravenous chemo for one day, then something else pumped into me on the second day then tablets.
For the other 5 cycles I'm to go in for the day, then tablets for the other 4 days. Side effects don't look good, but i just got to man up and take it.

So there you go, now you know what i know. The next one of these will probably be from hospital, when I'm Bord off my tits !
And it looks like I've made it through this week without having some sort of needle stuck in me, which is always good.

Thanks for reading and all the support and 'Tweetment'


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