Tuesday 12 April 2011


So day 2 of the adventure.
After I blogged last nite, THEY decided to hook me up to a drip. I have to have 2 12 hour bags and 3 8 hours ones to flush all the crap and toxins out of my body. The chemo is going to melt all the lumps but the toxic crap might go with it, straight to my kidneys, which in turn could shag them. So this is the reason I'm in for 3-4 days, so they can keep an eye on me.

I will admit to you all, that with all the waiting and worrying, I broke down last nite and had a good cry to myself. I was listening to Billy Joel on my iPod, and a song came on and that was it. I miss my family very much, and couldn't cope !

Anyway I think I feel asleep about midnight, but thanks to the arse on the other side of the ward , I got a broken 6 hours sleep. Plus I had the drip in still, so couldn't get comfy. I was woke at 6 am to have my blood pressure done, then stayed awake till breakfast.

At 10am I had some bloods taken, well I say some, it's was 12 blood bottles full Ffs, and it took 10 mins to do. So not a happy chappy.
11.30 came and Shelley came to visit, she looked beautiful has always. We chatted, I had my dinner of Cornish pasty and salad and at 1 (end of visiting) she left.

Now being a smoker has brought a bit of amusement to fellow tweeters, or the fact of me doing the great escape when I want 1. It's not the getting out, it's the fact I have my stabiliser with me (drip trolley), and the fact that out of 5 wheels none of them want to go the way I do !
Also there seems to be this thing that I'm a bit of a mischief maker, I don't know where this comes from, but it's not true... Well some of it's not true haha.

So my last break out has got me in trouble. Been for a cig and walking back to the ward, when the plug fell out of my drip. Half went on me and the floor, the staff nurse gave me a stern look and said 'that's why we don't let you wander off with the chemo' , but it was only that salt water flush stuff, thank god :)

I've had my first lot of pills, and chemo is on it's way. That sentence was wrote at 1.15 in the afternoon, I am back to waiting AGAIN.
The heavy stuff turned up at 4.15 pm, and has I write this I'm hooked up to my chemo, and already I'm feeling a bit funky.
So this is it. My body won't be the same again, and the battle with leukaemia begins.

My pills

Thanks for reading

Offski xx

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're holding up, Rick, though it also sounds pretty rough. I reckon having "a moment" or two is perfectly acceptable in the circumstances. Stay strong and as positive as possible. Take care.
