Monday 11 April 2011


I've had an unusual end to last week and start to this week.
Sunday started with Formula 1 on the tv, and Shelley going to town. The whirlwind had other ideas about going having an afternoon nap. So we had play fights till mama got back, shell came back and gave me a bag. In the bag was an xbox Kinect, and it was an early birthday present (19th is my official birthday). Also it had a game with it , Dance Central. I connected it up straight away, and spent the rest of the day bopping and having a wicked time.

After that we had an awesome Sunday tea of roast chicken, which was delicious. I had a shower and settled down to watch 'the cube', keeping a close eye on twitter because the US masters was on. I got my way at 8.30 and the golf was put on.

Shell went to bed at 9.30 and I carried on watching the masters.
To my surprise my iPhone lit up with a message from @schofe (Philip schofield) wishing me all the best !
I replied saying thank you, then found out he was following :)
In previous blogs I've said about 'celebs' not answering back, but he did, so that kind of cool ?
Anyway I went to bed at 11, woke up with cramp in my foot at 2.30am then a wee at 4am. I got up at 7.30 feeling a bit rough.

The doctor had told me to ring ward 12 at 8.30 am to see what time to go in, to be asked for my phone number and a 'we will ring you' said down the phone.

The post came, and to my surprise there was a letter from Dr Rothwell to my own Dr, saying that I have lumps inside me all around my diaphragm, abdomen and neck, shoulders etc. Also that I have a enlarged spleen, which is something she forgot to tell me !

I rang ward 12 back at midday and was told the same thing, so now I sit and wait.

Got the phone call at 3.45 to go in, my bed is ready. Made it just in time for tea, which wasn't to bad really.
I've been poked and prodded by the dude that did my bone marrow. Also I've spoken to Dr Rothwell's number 2, he explained what's going to happen tomorrow and said the only reason I'm staying in, is because the chemo will melt all these lumps, but if they all let go at the same time, the toxins could knacker my liver.

I think the thing that's worrying is that after tomorrow my body won't ever be the same. From a temple to a ruin, but I guess that's the way it got to be.

So there you go, a funny 2 days really. I plan to tweet and read now :)

Thanks for reading,


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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