Tuesday 5 April 2011

05/04/2011 Results

I woke up this morning, walked upstairs (cos we live in an upside down house), and my bad attitude was let lose on shell and the kids. I didn't mean to, just with what today was, i wasn't really feeling the morning. Shell went to work and i marched the brats up to school and was back for 8.30 to watch Lazytown with the Whirlwind. At 10.30 the Whirlwind was picked up and whisked off for the day, and left me on my own to stew in my own juices. By the time Shelley came home from work at 12.30 i was in more of a talking mood. We caught the bus to Huddersfield hospital and sat outside Dr Rothwell's room and waited.
I was called and off we went, she is a lovely Dr, she sat us down and it began.

I have been diagnosed with CLL , Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. I have to go back to see her this Thursday because she was waiting for the genetic side of the bi-opsy which she needs so she can put me on the right Chemotherapy (there are 2 types). The Dr said i could be booked in to start it has early has the Friday of possibly Monday.
I will have to stay in for 3 days so they can monitor me due to the fact that CLL is an old persons Leukaemia and i am only 38 they are not to sure how it will affect me. This is non-cure able but also a 'grumbling' disease, so it means that, i have my treatment then possibly go for months or years and it all happens again.
The Dr also said that it was mentioned that because I'm young that, depending on how the treatment goes, i might have to have a Bone Marrow Transplant and can look forward to spending a whole month in Leeds while they do it FFS!
This also means getting in touch with my brother (who i haven't spoken to in years) to see if hes a match, and if he would help out.

So there we go, that's what i know. I now have to decided a couple of things :

1. What sort of head wear to get, due to the fact my hair will fall out. I'm not into the headscarf thing and a baseball cap don't look right, so was thinking maybe a fetching beret ?
2. The fact that shell will possibly have to give up work for a while.
3. Money
All of which i will sort out in my own time

Can i just say a big thank you to everyone on Twitter that has helped us both, even if its just a chat to take our minds off things.

You know who you all are.

Thanks for reading, when i know more, so will you !


1 comment:

  1. I am so sad to hear those results, I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Hey, A month in Leeds is worth it if it gets you better honey. Keep us posted and stay as strong as you both can possibly manaage. Huge hugs and love to you both
